National Protection

Scripture Reading - Exodus 9:23-26 KJV

23 And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt.
24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation.
25 And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field.
26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail.

The first lesson on exercising your God given authority we mentioned “Personal Protection” because it is unreasonable to think that you would believe God to protect your “household” if you don’t even believe God to protect you. After that we spoke about “Household Protection” in the since of God watching over those you live with whether blood family members or not. There is always something influential about having direct access to those under your same roof. This especially works well for those who are all saved in the house because since iron sharpens iron each household member has an opportunity to give warning, advice, instruction and/or direction to another household member in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We also discussed that “Family Protection” extended far beyond your home property because God can (and will if given place) protect your children which are first His Children wherever they are at that time. Then we reached out even farther to discuss “Group Protection” when the group has someone who is knowledgeable about how to exercise God’s Divine Protection and the group is willing to follow God’s (or the person of God) direction. Today we will look at an even larger size of people to discuss “National Protection”. When speaking of God’s Will being performed to protect a whole nation we (ihlcc) are thinking generally about Christian as a nation and all Christians within certain nations. Yes, in today’s scripture reading we noticed that the Children of Israel received divine protection from the fire and hail sent unto the Egyptians. The scripture clearly states no fire and hail went into the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel lived. Therefore we can easily conclude that those who believed in God were protected from the judgments of God because they were in the right place. Yes, in the Old Testament the children of Israel represented God’s chosen people. Likewise, all Christians in the New Testament are God’s Chosen people. The land of Egypt was not evil in itself because if you can remember Egypt was supernaturally blessed during the time of Joseph primarily because the righteous were in authority and those in authority treated the people right. However, when the leaders of the nation of Egypt, specifically looking at Pharaoh (the supreme ruler of that land) decided to come against (hurt, endanger, persecute, etc…) the people of God that action alone will bring God, our Heavenly Father on the scheme. We notice when God was negotiating with Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron that the Lord often said, “Let My people go!”. This shows us that God is willing and ready to intervene on the behalf of His people for good. Why, simply because Almighty God is in a covenant relationship with His Beloved People. Just like the Heavenly Father had a sense of responsibility to protect His People as servants from evil and harm, how much more would He (God, the Father) desire to protect His own Dear Children. Yes, we want all believers to understand that you are a child of God. We are not just a nation of people who believe in God as certain Jews did, but we are born of God. Thus, making us family and friends of God and also we are one with God. Yes, as a nation of priests and prophets we should esteem this holy calling as a great privilege to advance the Awesome Kingdom of God. We (ihlcc) do firmly believe that many Christians believe that God is able to protect His Children but only a remnant of saints actual believe God to protect the nation of Christians. Quite often we don’t even think of ourselves as a mighty nation of God but we are. Yes, “national protection” is desired when it comes to the physical place you live but since we are seated with Christ in Heavenly Places shouldn’t we also expect God to protect our spiritual home as well as our physical home? The correct answer is yes, and Amen, because all the promises of God are Yes, and Amen in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior unto the glory of God. Think about it for a minute, why would God use the All Powerful Blood of Jesus for the deliverance of our soul from spiritual death, then allow death to reign over us after we are saved? We (ihlcc) don’t think so, we believe God fully intended to initially save us at the cross of Calvery and continue working His plan of salvation while we are on this earth all during our great salvation. Yes, dear faith friend, it is God’s Will to save (deliver, protect, guard, etc…) all His Beloved Children, therefore the whole “nation of Christians have divine protection” as a promise of God. Now it is very good that God’s Will is to “protect His Personal Nation” both spiritually and physically but we must remember to obey His direction (precepts, principles, His Words) to experience this divine protection. We must mention that the Children of Israel in the Old Testament had no divine protection whenever they rebelled against God so it is foolish to think a Christian could rebel (disobey, ignore, despise, etc…) against the Word of God and still prosper concerning divine protection. No, it doesn’t work that way at all with people, even Christians. Believers who want (choose) to live like the devil in their heart will experience the same consequences of the devil and all those who follow him into death and destruction. So know that God loves you very much and that is why He seeks to protect you and the good news is not just you but all those close to you including all Believers word wide (His Spiritual Nation). We might not know all the names of everyone in God’s Kingdom but we all do know the King of kings and Lord of lords (Jesus Christ). So let us claim “God’s divine protection over the Nation of Christians spiritually” and carry that principle to all the churches of God physically. As a closing note, please don’t be foolish and think it applies to all physical nations, like America, Africa, France, Russia, etc… because it doesn’t. Remember in the Old Testament God’s Physical National Protection was only promised to the Children of Israel when they followed God’s Will wholehearted it was not promised to all nations abroad. Therefore we should never try to make the Holy Bible say what we want it to say but rather accept what God did say as truth for our life because we clearly understand the context of His Promise and we know we qualify for it because He openly expresses it to us. So “National Protection” is for all the righteous not to be confused with no promise of “National Protection” for the unrighteous. Oh, how we hope and pray for all members of all nations to be saved and filled with God’s Holy Spirit but we are not there yet because according to the Holy Word of God we will not ever get there until the Messiah reigns as Lord over this whole earth after the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus already told us that He (not mere man) would separate the sheep from the goats at the end of the age. We pray to God that you choose to be a sheep because the sheep have a Good Shepherd that provides “National Protection” to His Sheep that remain in the fold with Him safe and secure. Amen!